I'm back.. Hopefully for longer this time

Heeyyy guyyss... It's me again It's Been a while I know, I know. I haven't posted a blog in months. I know exactly what you guys have been thinking. "Has he died?!" "Can he not afford wifi in his house?... that must be horrible, that's like not having water in your houseš±" ... which is dumb btw. But NO, it wasn't anything humorously foolish like that. It's just because I really... really couldn't be asked to write and post anything if I'm honest. But it's fine now, you can rest. Because "I'm back" now, so I don't want to hear any complaining. OK. But in all seriousness, I've just been trying to get my head on straight while bringing some structure into my life. If I'm totally honest, I just felt like I wasn't doing anything really constructive with my time and life in general. I ALWAYS had no energy and was kind of fed up with waking up at 2-5pm for absolutely no reason (it's not healthy, y...