
Showing posts from January, 2021

Blog 3: The Pitch Correction era

  The Pitch Correction Era Following the DAW/digital generation, massive changes were made to musical sound through production. The birth of trap and electronic music and the heavy use of Pitch correction on vocals as an industry standard and the effect of Autotune.  History of Pitch Correction Dr. Andy Hilderband is the man responsible for inventing pitch correction. Pitch correction, more commonly known as autotune, is based on the autocorrelation algorithm which oil companies used to find potential sites to drill. This algorithm would construct and present comprehensive subsurface maps using seismic waves. Andy later then edited this algorithm to somehow manipulate music to pitch and correct it in 1996 giving birth to the Antares Audio Technologies and presenting the first-ever Autotune.  The idea of this plug-in tool was to make recording vocals for producers and singers more convenient. Instead of them having to re-record every verse until the singer hit every note p...

Blog 2 The Impact of DAWs

  The Impact of DAWs  What is a DAW? I'm aware that not everyone is educated on what a DAW or VST exactly is. A DAW is an abbreviation for Digital Audio Workshop. “It’ s an electronic device or application software used for recording , editing and producing audio files ”. The DAW is like a compressed real-life studio with mixing desks and analogue plugins converted into a digital computer version for home use at a cheaper price. This is all projected through a computer screen. In this modern age, this is how nearly all music is recorded, produced, digitally manipulated, mixed and mastered. They allow music creators to independently create a full body of music by recording and layering hundreds of acoustic and digital sounds together in a high definition of sound (24/32 bit depth and sometimes higher). As a producer myself I use these softwares such as Logic Pro or Pro tools or even Ableton. VST are the additional audio plug-in software that subsides with DAW’s to replicate re...

Blog 1 Contemporary Development In The Music

  Introduction  Hello there, my name is Aaron Lewis.  Welcome to my short but hopefully interesting string of blogs that I’m going to post for my ‘new business of music’ module. My blogs will provide a forum where we will explore the contemporary developments of the music industry. I will provide debating points on the topics of choice; keying in the benefits, the negative repercussions, how it’s affecting artists, musicians, companies, live performance, the industry income, steaming revenue and more. I will provide evidence to back everything up (just so you know I’m not lying). Within this, I will discuss and debate the perspectives of professionals and explore the controversy surrounding the topic, potentially injecting personal views. In this blog I'm going to involve my personal experience working in the modern music industry to keep reality flowing through this. I’ll use primary and secondary resources for this as well. Hope you guys like this and I'm on the right t...